Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Free Download Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

Free Download Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

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Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

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Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight

The well-known author of this best-selling book focuses on landscape appreciation of the regional geography of the United States and Canada. He emphasizes the description and interpretation of North American landscapes, including their development. Issues such as ecosystems, urban changes, agriculture, and inland waterways are all visited in depth. Up-to-date maps and information make this book different from any other on the market; it covers such topics as: the North American continent; the physical environment; population; cities; regions; the Atlantic Northeast; French Canada; megalopoli; the Appalachians and Ozarks; the inland South; the Southeastern coast; the Heartland; the Great Plains and prairies; the Rocky Mountains; the intermontane West; the California region; the Hawaiian Islands; the North Pacific coast; the boreal forest; and the Arctic. Not only an excellent desk reference for geographers and geologists, this book can be an excellent addition to any home or school library.

  • Sales Rank: #100952 in Books
  • Published on: 2004-01-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.10" h x 1.30" w x 8.00" l, 2.72 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 514 pages

From the Publisher
In this regionally organized text, the author applies his well-known focus on landscape appreciation to the regional geography of North America. This approach emphasizes the description and interpretation of North American landscapes, including their sequential development. Issues ranging from ecosystems and urban morphology to agriculture and inland waterways are all studied in-depth.

From the Back Cover
Key Benefit: In this regionally organized book, the author applies his well-known focus on landscape appreciation to the regional geography of North America. This approach emphasizes the description and interpretation of North American landscapes, including their sequential development. Key Topics: Issues ranging from ecosystems and urban morphology to agriculture and inland waterways are all studied in-depth. The book contains insightful vignettes entitled "A Closer Look" written by top scholars in the fields offering multiple viewpoints on topics and permitting a more detailed discussion of specific issues or topics. The book examines native land claims in Canada and Alaska, blending major components of each region. It provides clear explanations of the rationale for regional identification and delineation, including the location of boundaries and responds to the latest controversies with discussions of environmental and ecological issues. It has been thoroughly revised to include the most up-to-date information available for each region. Market: A valuable reference book for any reader seeking information on the history of specific regions of North America and on the major issues affecting them today.

About the Author

Tom McKnight was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. He started out to be a geologist, but discovered geography through the tutelage of Edwin J. Foscue, and soon shifted his interest to the "mother science." His training includes a B.A. degree (geology major, geography minor) from Southern Methodist University, an M.A. degree (geography major, geology minor) from the .University of Colorado, and a Ph.D. degree (geography major, meteorology minor) from the University of Wisconsin. He has been lucky enough to live in Australia for extended periods on twenty different occasions. Most of his professional life has been based at U.C.L.A., but he has also taught temporarily at nine American, three Canadian, and three Australian universities. He served as Chair of the U.C.L.A. Geography Department from 1978 to 1983. His favorite places are Australia, Colorado, Yellowstone Park, and Dallas.

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Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight PDF

Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight PDF

Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight PDF
Regional Geography of the United States and Canada (4th Edition)By Tom L. McKnight PDF

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